Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 2017-2018
Nairana-Mirrabooka Study Centres
In December 2016, 42 high school and university student volunteers embarked on a three-week work camp in Ho Chi Minh City. The volunteers visited Son Ky and Tân Thông Orphanages and helped to assist the staff by doing some basic cleaning but mostly focused on providing entertainment and education to the children in the orphanages.
This project included working on a school development in K’Long Dalat, a village on the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh City. Construction work included; building a new house, new school toilets, a sewer, cementing the playground, and two toilet blocks.
In December 2017, 27 volunteers continued the work, spending three weeks completing two houses and two toilet blocks for locals in K’Long Dalat Village.
Marty Carroll (Year 11 2018 participant)